teach in china

teach in chinateach in china
  1. Of course , plenty of foreigners also come to teach in China , and experience their own culture shock .


  2. The development of ESL teaching in China opened more and more opportunities for the Native English teachers to teach in China .


  3. As a Fulbright lecturer planning to teach in China starting in February , I wondered whether these plans would have to change .


  4. In recent years Chinese churches have sent quite a number of students to study abroad and invited foreign lecturers and scholars to teach in China 's theological seminaries .


  5. But here I am in China , in my second year of living in this amazingly progressive civilization , and I can honestly say that I have never once regretted my decision to teach in China .


  6. My name is Tony . I 'm from England , and I teach English in China .


  7. He used to teach in Eastern China College of Art ( now Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts ) .


  8. You might say , it 's a dog 's life for foreigners who teach English in China . Mark : Hmm. I 'll admit we don 't have to work especially hard , and still have everything we need .


  9. I wanted to teach English here in China because I like the Children .


  10. Therefore , the paper holds that it is necessary to teach communication strategies in China .
